Thursday, December 4, 2008

New perspective

I'm doing a bit of reading on heresies at the moment. Got a bit confused with the so called New Perspective on Paul.
Is anyone able to give a nice short punchy statement that essentially describes the new perspective on Paul?


lukeisham said...

Sorry Graham I haven't paid it as much attention as I probably should have. However Mikey knows a guy (a doctor) who reads a lot of theology and has taken an interest in it, ask him for his email.

Alistair Bain said...

Graham. I did an Mth unit on it earlier in the year.

Let's just say that whether or not I understand it depends on how much sleep I've had and whether the sun is shining. Sometimes I think I've got it nailed. Other times the fog descends and I'm flummoxed by it.

There are no 2 "new perspective" advocate who agree on it either. So it's probably better to call it the "new perspectives."

I can swing you some stuff on it if you really want.

graham said...

Thanks guys
It does appear to be one of those things. I know where to go for some extra ammo.