Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Integrity at work

How many of us have a method at our fingertips for thinking ethically and making Christ honouring decisions when presented with ethical dilemmas? How many Christian's in secular society have actually mashed their work expectations, outcomes, practices and priorities through the sieve of Christian ethics?
As I've been preaching through a series about 'work' I'm struck by how much help we need to think much more ethically. We settle so easily for the 'sacred / secular divide', locking away our Christian beliefs with the rest of our personal and private preferences. Jesus said to his followers 'You are the salt of the earth...!'

The 'salt' may not be that 'salty'.
Excellent book on this: 'Integrity at Work' by Norman Geisler and Randy Douglass.
It gives an introduction to ethics... a helpful acrostic called 'The ETHICS Compass' and a whole load of practical advice and real examples about ethical decision making that should get you excited again about living for Christ on the FRONTLINE. There is a chapter each on sexual dilemmas, dilemmas for employers, for employees, dilemmas with customers, dilemmas balancing work and home. Very helpful stuff.

1 comment:

The Librarian said...

Hi Graham,

I'm a tassie expatriate and we met once when you preached a few years ago at Cornerstone.

A particular type of ethics at work is I think walking the line of 'professionalism' and honesty.

Why a line? Well, in some jobs one is expected to be "professional" and not admit to weakness, but there may be moments where admitting weakness is the only honest and moreally right thing to do - something I come up against all the time...